Grant Opportunities

Opportunity is Here


Utilizing state, federal, and private funds, the Workforce Development Council finances projects that improve the vitality of Idaho’s economy. This strategic investment creates powerful results that increase the economic mobility of Idahoans, support growth of the economy, and develop Idaho’s workforce pipeline through training initiatives that serve multiple employers and industries.

Workforce Development Training Fund Goals

Economic Mobility
Increase the economic mobility of Idahoans through training that leads to wage gains and retention.

Promote innovation in talent development.

Best Practices
Encourage replication of best practices in talent pipeline development.

Service to Employers
Provide timely assistance to businesses while shifting focus to broader talent pipeline development strategies that serve multiple employers.

Economic Growth

Support growth of the economy by assisting employers with job creation and integration of technology, specifically through the development of skills in their existing and/or new employees.

Return on Investment
Provide a return on investment to Idahoans as evidenced by increased wages, job creation, capital investment, retention of Idaho’s workforce, credential attainment, and/or customer satisfaction (employer and trainee).

Grant Opportunities

Industry Sector Grant

View awarded Industry Sector Grants Here

Industry Sector Grants are designed to engage employers in developing new training solutions that address Idaho’s workforce issues and fill skills gaps. The Idaho Workforce Development Council will accept Industry Sector Grant applications on a non-competitive, first come, first-served basis.


All Industry Sector Grant applications are reviewed by the Workforce Development Council’s Grant Review Committee. The Grant Review Committee will next meet September 24th and October 22nd. To have your grant reviewed at an upcoming meeting, please submit it by the date indicated below.

August 27th Review

  • Applications due August 5th – closed

September 24th Review

  • Applications due September 1st – closed

We strongly recommend you submit applications for future meetings as soon as possible, as applications are reviewed on a first come, first served basis. Once your application is submitted, you will be contacted by WDC staff regarding the timeframe in which your grant will be reviewed.

Please check for posted meeting dates.





Matthew Thomsen
Phone: 208-488-7562




Elaine Zabriskie
Phone: 208-488-7572

Innovation Grant

View awarded Innovation Grants here

View awarded Micro Innovation Grants here

Innovation Grants can fund projects that address local workforce development needs. Projects may provide skills training to individuals and/or assist individuals with connecting to careers.

  • New or enhanced training must address specific employer-identified skills gaps in the community; training cannot supplant or compete with current training opportunities.
  • Training may include work-based learning opportunities, classroom training, or virtual training that addresses the skill gaps identified by employers in the community.
  • Assisting individuals to connect to careers may include providing information and outreach on career education and workforce training opportunities and/or soft skill development.

All Innovation Grant applications are reviewed by the Workforce Development Council’s Grant Review Committee. The Grant Review Committee will next meet September 24th and October 22nd. To have your grant reviewed at an upcoming meeting, please submit it by the date indicated below.

August 27th Review

  • Applications due August 5th – closed

September 24th Review

  • Applications due September 1st – closed


We strongly recommend you submit applications for future meetings as soon as possible, as applications are reviewed on a first come, first served basis. Once your application is submitted, you will be contacted by WDC staff regarding the timeframe in which your grant will be reviewed.

Please check for posted meeting dates.





Matthew Thomsen
Phone: 208-488-7562




Elaine Zabriskie
Phone: 208-488-7572

Employer Grant

View awarded Employer Grants here

Employer Grants are available to Idaho employers who are increasing their current workforce and/or retraining existing workers with skills necessary for specific economic opportunities or industrial expansion initiatives. The Idaho Workforce Development Council will accept Employer Grant applications on a non-competitive, first come, first-served basis.


All Employer Grant applications are reviewed by the Workforce Development Council’s Grant Review Committee. The Grant Review Committee will next meet September 24th and October 22nd. To have your grant reviewed at an upcoming meeting, please submit it by the date indicated below.

August 27th Review

  • Applications due August 5th – closed

September 24th Review

  • Applications due September 1st – closed


We strongly recommend you submit applications for future meetings as soon as possible, as applications are reviewed on a first come, first served basis. Once your application is submitted, you will be contacted by WDC staff regarding the timeframe in which your grant will be reviewed.

Please check for posted meeting dates.





Matthew Thomsen
Phone: 208-488-7562




Elaine Zabriskie
Phone: 208-488-7572

Preceptor Incentive

Preceptor Incentive grants are in the awards process and applications are closed. A list of awarded grants will be posted when the process is complete. 

The Idaho Workforce Development Council in partnership with the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health Inc. has made funds available to offset the extraordinary costs of utilizing a preceptorship training program.

Funding for this program is limited.  Applications will be taken on a first come, first served basis. Priority may be given to new preceptors and those training individuals in rural areas.


  • Who is eligible to apply?
    • Idaho employers who are providing preceptorships to Idaho residents to support necessary work-based learning for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists and prescribing/clinical psychologists.
    • Applications may be completed by the employer or a preceptor.
  • What is the amount of funds available to the employer?
    • A maximum of $1,000 per preceptor learning experience, per student.
  • Can an employer receive reimbursement for more than one preceptor?
    • Yes.  However, funding is limited to a maximum of $1,000 per preceptor learning experience, per student.
  • Will funding be made available up front?
    • No. Once approved, employers may submit a reimbursement upon verification (co-signed by the institution) that the trainee has completed all the hours of training in a preceptor learning experience.
  • What expenses are reimbursable?
    • Training costs associated with structured internal training including preceptor wages, reasonable travel costs and materials.
    • The employer will need to provide documentation for any request made for reimbursement (i.e. invoice, receipts, paystubs, expense report, map etc.).
    • Employee onboarding and wages paid to individuals receiving training are not reimbursable under this grant.
  • What are the contractual terms of the grant?
    • Grant period is aligned to the length of the preceptor learning experience program.
    • Grantees are required to submit quarterly reports as delineated in the written contract. The quarterly report will include provision of the entire 9-digit social security number of the trainees/participants.
    • The executive director of the Idaho Workforce Development Council is authorized to impose a claw back provision when they determine it to be in the best interest of the fund.



Applications are now closed.



Matthew Thomsen
Phone: 208-488-7562




Elaine Zabriskie
Phone: 208-488-7572

Registered Apprenticeship Incentive

View awarded Registered Apprenticeship Incentive Grants here

The Registered Apprenticeship Incentive is designed to offset the extraordinary costs of utilizing a Registered Apprenticeship training program.

The Idaho Workforce Development Councill will accept Registered Apprenticeship Incentive applications on a first come, first served basis.


  • Who is eligible to apply?
    • Idaho employers who are utilizing a registered apprenticeship program to train new or newly promoted employees.
    • The employer must pay an entry level wage no lower than $12 per hour.
    • Training must be through a Registered Apprenticeship with the US Department of Labor. Employer will be required to provide evidence of the apprentice’s registration.
    • Employer must provide a health benefit plan.
  • What is the amount of funds available to the employer?
    • A maximum of $1,000 per apprentice, per year for the duration of the apprenticeship, is available to offset the extraordinary costs of utilizing a registered apprenticeship training program.
    • An employer may not be allocated more than $10,000 per year under this program.
  • Will funding be made available up front?
    • No.  Funds for the first year will be distributed upon verification from RAPIDS that the apprentice has completed at least 500* hours of on-the-job training. Additional funds will be available annually, thereafter, upon verification from RAPIDS that the apprentice continues to progress in their program.
    • For competency-based apprenticeship programs, a reimbursement schedule will be provided in the grant agreement.
  • What expenses are reimbursable?
    • Training costs associated with vendor provided training including instructor wages, reasonable travel costs and materials.
    • Training costs associated with structured internal training including instructor wages, reasonable travel costs and materials.
  • What are the contractual term of the grant?
    • Grant period is aligned to the length of the registered apprenticeship program.
    • Only Idaho taxable full-time*, non-seasonal employees are eligible for reimbursement.
    • Grantees are required to submit quarterly reports as delineated in the written contract. The quarterly report will include provision of the entire 9-digit social security number of the trainees/participants.

Matthew Thomsen
Phone: 208-488-7562




Elaine Zabriskie
Phone: 208-488-7572

Outreach Projects

View awarded Outreach Grants here

The Workforce Development Council’s Outreach Committee reviews and provides funding for proposals that will provide public information and outreach on career education and workforce training opportunities, including existing education and training programs and services not funded by the training fund. Proposals to support new projects or the expansion of existing programs are preferred. Funding is provided on a reimbursement basis.



Outreach Proposal applications are reviewed each month by the Workforce Development Council’s Outreach Committee. Outreach Proposal applications are usually reviewed the first Wednesday of each month. Applications are due one week prior to committee meetings.

Please check for posted meeting dates.



Sherawn Reberry
Phone: 208-488-7564




Elaine Zabriskie
Phone: 208-488-7572

Scoring Rubric

All Outreach Project Applications must be received at least seven days in advance of the next Outreach Committee meeting. The following rubric based on the committee’s approved goals will be used by the committee during award determination.

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee is responsible for increasing public awareness of, and access to, career education, work-based learning, training opportunities, and support knowledge of workforce development training fund programs.

Case Study

The Workforce Development Council Outreach Grant funding supported a year-long environment of student and community engagement for Boise School District health profession students.

Child Care Expansion Grant

View awarded Child Care Grants here

Idaho Child Care Expansion Grants, administered by the Workforce Development Council, will increase the number of child care seats available to working families by targeting employers and/or child care providers willing to build new on-site or near-site child care facilities or expand existing facilities. 

Child care is one of the most critical work supports for parents to successfully participate in the labor market. Since the pandemic, labor force participation rates in Idaho have decreased and one of the major factors is lack of child care options.

According to Idaho’s most recent Child Care Gap Assessment 74,670 children have the potential need for child care, and there are only 55,850 child care slots, leaving a gap of nearly 20,000 seats needed to get Idaho parents back to work. 

Program Goals 

  • Increase child care seats statewide by approximately 1,000 by the end of 2024. 
  • Prioritize small providers, and providers who practice evidence-based high quality care.   

Read the full Child Care Expansion white paper here.

These funds provide infrastructure or operating grants for start-up or expansion of child care where there is a significant gap between the number of child care slots available and the number of children needing care. 


  • This Idaho Child Care Expansion Grant application is available for the following eligible applicants:
    • New providers seeking to create 12 or fewer child care slots
    • Current small providers expanding to 24 or fewer child care slots


  • The application deadline is April 1, 2024.



Project Readiness Checklist

For questions please reach out to Amanda Ames or Jenny Hay


Amanda Ames
Phone: 208-488-7563




Jenny Hay
Phone: 208-488-7571





Child Care Expansion Grant Policy

Before applying, check out the Child Care Expansion Grant Policy to learn about the rules and regulations attached to this funding opportunity.

Child Care Family Guide

There are many things to consider when starting a new family child care business. These resources will help you think through the steps you need to take to open and operate a successful family child care business in Idaho.

Child Care Business Guide

There are many things to consider when starting a new child care center. These resources will help you think through the steps you need to take to open and operate a successful child care center in Idaho.

Child Care Expansion Grant Budget Explanation Sheet


View awarded Industry Sector Grants Here

Industry Sector Grants are designed to engage employers in developing new training solutions that address Idaho’s workforce issues and fill skills gaps. The Idaho Workforce Development Council will accept Industry Sector Grant applications on a non-competitive, first come, first-served basis.


All Industry Sector Grant applications are reviewed by the Workforce Development Council’s Grant Review Committee. The Grant Review Committee will next meet September 24th and October 22nd. To have your grant reviewed at an upcoming meeting, please submit it by the date indicated below.

August 27th Review

  • Applications due August 5th – closed

September 24th Review

  • Applications due September 1st – closed

We strongly recommend you submit applications for future meetings as soon as possible, as applications are reviewed on a first come, first served basis. Once your application is submitted, you will be contacted by WDC staff regarding the timeframe in which your grant will be reviewed.

Please check for posted meeting dates.





Matthew Thomsen
Phone: 208-488-7562




Elaine Zabriskie
Phone: 208-488-7572

View awarded Innovation Grants here

View awarded Micro Innovation Grants here

Innovation Grants can fund projects that address local workforce development needs. Projects may provide skills training to individuals and/or assist individuals with connecting to careers.

  • New or enhanced training must address specific employer-identified skills gaps in the community; training cannot supplant or compete with current training opportunities.
  • Training may include work-based learning opportunities, classroom training, or virtual training that addresses the skill gaps identified by employers in the community.
  • Assisting individuals to connect to careers may include providing information and outreach on career education and workforce training opportunities and/or soft skill development.

All Innovation Grant applications are reviewed by the Workforce Development Council’s Grant Review Committee. The Grant Review Committee will next meet September 24th and October 22nd. To have your grant reviewed at an upcoming meeting, please submit it by the date indicated below.

August 27th Review

  • Applications due August 5th – closed

September 24th Review

  • Applications due September 1st – closed


We strongly recommend you submit applications for future meetings as soon as possible, as applications are reviewed on a first come, first served basis. Once your application is submitted, you will be contacted by WDC staff regarding the timeframe in which your grant will be reviewed.

Please check for posted meeting dates.





Matthew Thomsen
Phone: 208-488-7562




Elaine Zabriskie
Phone: 208-488-7572

View awarded Employer Grants here

Employer Grants are available to Idaho employers who are increasing their current workforce and/or retraining existing workers with skills necessary for specific economic opportunities or industrial expansion initiatives. The Idaho Workforce Development Council will accept Employer Grant applications on a non-competitive, first come, first-served basis.


All Employer Grant applications are reviewed by the Workforce Development Council’s Grant Review Committee. The Grant Review Committee will next meet September 24th and October 22nd. To have your grant reviewed at an upcoming meeting, please submit it by the date indicated below.

August 27th Review

  • Applications due August 5th – closed

September 24th Review

  • Applications due September 1st – closed


We strongly recommend you submit applications for future meetings as soon as possible, as applications are reviewed on a first come, first served basis. Once your application is submitted, you will be contacted by WDC staff regarding the timeframe in which your grant will be reviewed.

Please check for posted meeting dates.





Matthew Thomsen
Phone: 208-488-7562




Elaine Zabriskie
Phone: 208-488-7572

Preceptor Incentive grants are in the awards process and applications are closed. A list of awarded grants will be posted when the process is complete. 

The Idaho Workforce Development Council in partnership with the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health Inc. has made funds available to offset the extraordinary costs of utilizing a preceptorship training program.

Funding for this program is limited.  Applications will be taken on a first come, first served basis. Priority may be given to new preceptors and those training individuals in rural areas.


  • Who is eligible to apply?
    • Idaho employers who are providing preceptorships to Idaho residents to support necessary work-based learning for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists and prescribing/clinical psychologists.
    • Applications may be completed by the employer or a preceptor.
  • What is the amount of funds available to the employer?
    • A maximum of $1,000 per preceptor learning experience, per student.
  • Can an employer receive reimbursement for more than one preceptor?
    • Yes.  However, funding is limited to a maximum of $1,000 per preceptor learning experience, per student.
  • Will funding be made available up front?
    • No. Once approved, employers may submit a reimbursement upon verification (co-signed by the institution) that the trainee has completed all the hours of training in a preceptor learning experience.
  • What expenses are reimbursable?
    • Training costs associated with structured internal training including preceptor wages, reasonable travel costs and materials.
    • The employer will need to provide documentation for any request made for reimbursement (i.e. invoice, receipts, paystubs, expense report, map etc.).
    • Employee onboarding and wages paid to individuals receiving training are not reimbursable under this grant.
  • What are the contractual terms of the grant?
    • Grant period is aligned to the length of the preceptor learning experience program.
    • Grantees are required to submit quarterly reports as delineated in the written contract. The quarterly report will include provision of the entire 9-digit social security number of the trainees/participants.
    • The executive director of the Idaho Workforce Development Council is authorized to impose a claw back provision when they determine it to be in the best interest of the fund.



Applications are now closed.



Matthew Thomsen
Phone: 208-488-7562




Elaine Zabriskie
Phone: 208-488-7572

View awarded Registered Apprenticeship Incentive Grants here

The Registered Apprenticeship Incentive is designed to offset the extraordinary costs of utilizing a Registered Apprenticeship training program.

The Idaho Workforce Development Councill will accept Registered Apprenticeship Incentive applications on a first come, first served basis.


  • Who is eligible to apply?
    • Idaho employers who are utilizing a registered apprenticeship program to train new or newly promoted employees.
    • The employer must pay an entry level wage no lower than $12 per hour.
    • Training must be through a Registered Apprenticeship with the US Department of Labor. Employer will be required to provide evidence of the apprentice’s registration.
    • Employer must provide a health benefit plan.
  • What is the amount of funds available to the employer?
    • A maximum of $1,000 per apprentice, per year for the duration of the apprenticeship, is available to offset the extraordinary costs of utilizing a registered apprenticeship training program.
    • An employer may not be allocated more than $10,000 per year under this program.
  • Will funding be made available up front?
    • No.  Funds for the first year will be distributed upon verification from RAPIDS that the apprentice has completed at least 500* hours of on-the-job training. Additional funds will be available annually, thereafter, upon verification from RAPIDS that the apprentice continues to progress in their program.
    • For competency-based apprenticeship programs, a reimbursement schedule will be provided in the grant agreement.
  • What expenses are reimbursable?
    • Training costs associated with vendor provided training including instructor wages, reasonable travel costs and materials.
    • Training costs associated with structured internal training including instructor wages, reasonable travel costs and materials.
  • What are the contractual term of the grant?
    • Grant period is aligned to the length of the registered apprenticeship program.
    • Only Idaho taxable full-time*, non-seasonal employees are eligible for reimbursement.
    • Grantees are required to submit quarterly reports as delineated in the written contract. The quarterly report will include provision of the entire 9-digit social security number of the trainees/participants.

Matthew Thomsen
Phone: 208-488-7562




Elaine Zabriskie
Phone: 208-488-7572

View awarded Outreach Grants here

The Workforce Development Council’s Outreach Committee reviews and provides funding for proposals that will provide public information and outreach on career education and workforce training opportunities, including existing education and training programs and services not funded by the training fund. Proposals to support new projects or the expansion of existing programs are preferred. Funding is provided on a reimbursement basis.



Outreach Proposal applications are reviewed each month by the Workforce Development Council’s Outreach Committee. Outreach Proposal applications are usually reviewed the first Wednesday of each month. Applications are due one week prior to committee meetings.

Please check for posted meeting dates.



Sherawn Reberry
Phone: 208-488-7564




Elaine Zabriskie
Phone: 208-488-7572

Scoring Rubric

All Outreach Project Applications must be received at least seven days in advance of the next Outreach Committee meeting. The following rubric based on the committee’s approved goals will be used by the committee during award determination.

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee is responsible for increasing public awareness of, and access to, career education, work-based learning, training opportunities, and support knowledge of workforce development training fund programs.

Case Study

The Workforce Development Council Outreach Grant funding supported a year-long environment of student and community engagement for Boise School District health profession students.

View awarded Child Care Grants here

Idaho Child Care Expansion Grants, administered by the Workforce Development Council, will increase the number of child care seats available to working families by targeting employers and/or child care providers willing to build new on-site or near-site child care facilities or expand existing facilities. 

Child care is one of the most critical work supports for parents to successfully participate in the labor market. Since the pandemic, labor force participation rates in Idaho have decreased and one of the major factors is lack of child care options.

According to Idaho’s most recent Child Care Gap Assessment 74,670 children have the potential need for child care, and there are only 55,850 child care slots, leaving a gap of nearly 20,000 seats needed to get Idaho parents back to work. 

Program Goals 

  • Increase child care seats statewide by approximately 1,000 by the end of 2024. 
  • Prioritize small providers, and providers who practice evidence-based high quality care.   

Read the full Child Care Expansion white paper here.

These funds provide infrastructure or operating grants for start-up or expansion of child care where there is a significant gap between the number of child care slots available and the number of children needing care. 


  • This Idaho Child Care Expansion Grant application is available for the following eligible applicants:
    • New providers seeking to create 12 or fewer child care slots
    • Current small providers expanding to 24 or fewer child care slots


  • The application deadline is April 1, 2024.



Project Readiness Checklist

For questions please reach out to Amanda Ames or Jenny Hay


Amanda Ames
Phone: 208-488-7563




Jenny Hay
Phone: 208-488-7571





Child Care Expansion Grant Policy

Before applying, check out the Child Care Expansion Grant Policy to learn about the rules and regulations attached to this funding opportunity.

Child Care Family Guide

There are many things to consider when starting a new family child care business. These resources will help you think through the steps you need to take to open and operate a successful family child care business in Idaho.

Child Care Business Guide

There are many things to consider when starting a new child care center. These resources will help you think through the steps you need to take to open and operate a successful child care center in Idaho.

Child Care Expansion Grant Budget Explanation Sheet


Apply Now

To apply for Industry Sector, Innovation, Employer, Child Care Expansion Grants, or an Outreach Project, use the link below. If you are an existing user, start here.
